How many times can I say “I”…


I’m the old trying to be new. Sometimes I’m the wrong trying to be right.  I’m the work in progress trying to stay that way.  I like to think everything balances in the long run..

I love that it all ties together somehow.


I run.  I write.  I love reading, self-dates, cooking, all kinds of music, and stand-up comedy.  I’ll talk to anyone.  I’ll talk a lot.  Sometimes my filter is broken but that keeps things exciting. I quote Seinfeld and Wayne’s World to the point where it gets awkward.  I never speed.  I love to dance.  I have Earth, Wind, & Fire dance parties on a regular basis.  I’m not above crawling on the floor of the thrift shop for the best deals.  I go to bed too early.

I have all the joy, anxiety, and irrational fears a single gal can accumulate in just under 34 years.


The last few years of my life have included some huge changes.  I’ve learned to fuel myself- To be good to what I have.  I’ve learned to keep going.  I want to share my new experiences.

I’m thankful for a story to tell.

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